Layanan Kami

Kami menyediakan solusi inovatif di bidang teknologi dan pertanian untuk kebutuhan Anda.

Inovasi Teknologi
A large black tractor with big, textured tires is parked in an industrial outdoor setting. Adjacent to the tractor, there is a piece of orange agricultural machinery with metal components. In the background, parts of a building and some trees are visible.
A large black tractor with big, textured tires is parked in an industrial outdoor setting. Adjacent to the tractor, there is a piece of orange agricultural machinery with metal components. In the background, parts of a building and some trees are visible.

Menyediakan solusi teknologi terkini untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan produktivitas bisnis Anda.

An aerial view of a tractor on agricultural land, cultivating a field with visible tire tracks and variations in soil color. Adjacent to the field is a paved road bordered by grass, with a distinct contrast between the cultivated and uncultivated areas.
An aerial view of a tractor on agricultural land, cultivating a field with visible tire tracks and variations in soil color. Adjacent to the field is a paved road bordered by grass, with a distinct contrast between the cultivated and uncultivated areas.
Aerial view of a green tractor tilling a large field with visible rows. The field appears divided by two distinct textures, indicating different stages or types of soil preparation. The tractor and machinery create parallel lines, reflecting the precision of agricultural work.
Aerial view of a green tractor tilling a large field with visible rows. The field appears divided by two distinct textures, indicating different stages or types of soil preparation. The tractor and machinery create parallel lines, reflecting the precision of agricultural work.
Pupuk NPK

Penyediaan pupuk NPK berkualitas untuk mendukung pertumbuhan tanaman yang optimal dan berkelanjutan.

Pengiriman Barang Cepat

Layanan pengiriman antar kota dan pulau yang cepat dan terpercaya.

Lokasi Kami

Setara Indonesia beroperasi di berbagai lokasi untuk menyediakan layanan inovasi teknologi dan pengiriman barang antar kota dan pulau.


Jl. Merbabu Timur II/17Nusukan. Banjarsari. Solo


08:00 - 17:00