Inovasi Teknologi untuk Pertanian

Menyediakan solusi pupuk dan pengiriman barang efisien.

Teknologi Pertanian

Solusi inovatif untuk meningkatkan hasil pertanian.

Pengiriman Cepat dan Aman

Layanan pengiriman antar kota dan pulau terpercaya.

Penyediaan Pupuk
Jasa Pengiriman antar Kota dan Pulau

Tentang Setara Indonesia

Setara Indonesia adalah perusahaan inovatif yang bergerak di bidang teknologi pertanian, penyediaan pupuk NPK, dan pengiriman barang antar kota dan pulau.

A rural landscape featuring a large agricultural building with four metallic silos. In the foreground, a green tractor is connected to farming equipment, preparing a field. The background includes flat, open land with sparse trees and a clear blue sky.
A rural landscape featuring a large agricultural building with four metallic silos. In the foreground, a green tractor is connected to farming equipment, preparing a field. The background includes flat, open land with sparse trees and a clear blue sky.
A red tractor equipped with a grabber attachment is actively handling a stack of freshly cut logs, set against a backdrop of dense forest. Numerous logs, neatly arranged in piles, dominate the background, while the forest provides a dark, natural environment.
A red tractor equipped with a grabber attachment is actively handling a stack of freshly cut logs, set against a backdrop of dense forest. Numerous logs, neatly arranged in piles, dominate the background, while the forest provides a dark, natural environment.
A sunny rural farming scene features a green tractor transferring crops into a large trailer. Dust is being kicked up from the harvesting process in the middle of a vast open field surrounded by golden crops. A small truck is parked near hay bales, and trees line the horizon.
A sunny rural farming scene features a green tractor transferring crops into a large trailer. Dust is being kicked up from the harvesting process in the middle of a vast open field surrounded by golden crops. A small truck is parked near hay bales, and trees line the horizon.

Visi dan Misi

Kami berkomitmen untuk menghadirkan solusi teknologi terbaik dalam pertanian dan logistik, mendukung pertumbuhan ekonomi lokal dan keberlanjutan lingkungan.

Layanan Kami

Inovasi teknologi dan solusi pertanian untuk kebutuhan Anda di seluruh Indonesia.

Teknologi Pertanian

Kami menyediakan solusi inovatif untuk meningkatkan hasil pertanian Anda dengan teknologi terkini.

A rural scene featuring a red tractor attached to a blue trailer loaded with crates. The setting includes a rustic house with a tiled roof and a stack of wooden logs. Tall trees create a shaded area, and the sky is clear, suggesting a bright day.
A rural scene featuring a red tractor attached to a blue trailer loaded with crates. The setting includes a rustic house with a tiled roof and a stack of wooden logs. Tall trees create a shaded area, and the sky is clear, suggesting a bright day.
Pupuk NPK

Pupuk NPK berkualitas untuk mendukung pertumbuhan tanaman dan meningkatkan produktivitas pertanian Anda.

A large red agricultural tractor with tracks, connected to an equally large planting machine, is positioned near a barn against a backdrop of open fields and a clear blue sky. The barn appears white and the grass is neatly manicured.
A large red agricultural tractor with tracks, connected to an equally large planting machine, is positioned near a barn against a backdrop of open fields and a clear blue sky. The barn appears white and the grass is neatly manicured.

Proyek Inovasi

Kami menghadirkan solusi teknologi untuk pertanian dan logistik.

Aerial view of a large agricultural field with long rows of green crops and brown paths running parallel to each other. In the center of the image, a group of people is gathered around a truck loaded with harvested produce. The landscape extends into the distance with rolling hills under a hazy sky.
Aerial view of a large agricultural field with long rows of green crops and brown paths running parallel to each other. In the center of the image, a group of people is gathered around a truck loaded with harvested produce. The landscape extends into the distance with rolling hills under a hazy sky.
Teknologi Pertanian

Inovasi pupuk NPK untuk hasil pertanian optimal.

A red tractor is parked in an agricultural setting, connected to a large orange farming trailer. The background features stacks of hay bales under a metal-roofed structure, with a person standing on the trailer.
A red tractor is parked in an agricultural setting, connected to a large orange farming trailer. The background features stacks of hay bales under a metal-roofed structure, with a person standing on the trailer.
Pengiriman Barang

Layanan pengiriman antar kota dan antar pulau terpercaya.

An aerial view of vast agricultural fields stretching to the horizon. The landscape is divided into several sections with different types of crops, flanked by a long, straight road lined with trees. In the distance, industrial buildings and mountains can be seen under a clear blue sky.
An aerial view of vast agricultural fields stretching to the horizon. The landscape is divided into several sections with different types of crops, flanked by a long, straight road lined with trees. In the distance, industrial buildings and mountains can be seen under a clear blue sky.
Aerial view of a vast agricultural landscape with neatly divided fields of various crops. A lone yellow tractor is working on one of the fields, creating a pattern in the earth. The fields are in shades of brown and yellow, indicating the harvesting season.
Aerial view of a vast agricultural landscape with neatly divided fields of various crops. A lone yellow tractor is working on one of the fields, creating a pattern in the earth. The fields are in shades of brown and yellow, indicating the harvesting season.
Inovasi Teknologi

Solusi teknologi untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan produktivitas.

Pupuk NPK

Pupuk berkualitas untuk mendukung pertumbuhan tanaman yang sehat.